Hi all, Please find attached promotional poster for the Helping Children Balance Their Emotions seminar. Please share and promote within your respective communities. You can register for the free seminar here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/helping-children-balance-their-emotions-tickets-141385306257?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
When we help our children to balance their emotions, we help them to flourish and build the foundations of a physically, spiritually, emotionally and relationally healthy life. Learn more about the meaning and purpose of emotions, and the importance of maintaining balance.
Discover the Apostle Paul’s secrets of emotional wellbeing.
Practice simple and practical ways to experience healthy and positive emotions together.
Understand what you can do to take care of your own emotional balance as you support your children with theirs.
Presented by Karen Holford, TED Family Ministries Director.
Yours with a cheerful heart
Pastor Trevor Thomas
Reading West Life Development
07777 697154