My Dear Fam!
Computer has given up on us again.
Thanks to all who have helped Ann to organise our Easter Service.
Over the past weeks she has helped in a great and wonderful way.
Thank you Ann.
The Father is looking at you. He knows your heart.
Tomorrow we close for two weeks.
We will have some West Indian type food, food from Guyana, with its rich mixed population.
1. Service starts at 12o' clock and lasts for 1 hour.
2. We will sing 2 Hymns.
How deep is the Father's love for us. And the Old rugged Cross.
3. Followed by a Bible Reading by Geneive.
" All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way"
But he was wounded for our transgressions etc"
All we like sheep have gone astray etc."
4. Prayer by Monica Johnson.
5. Sermon by Rev. Mrs. Leah Richards.
6. Song:- "The goodness of God".
7. Refrain:- O Lord hear my prayer,
O Lord hear my prayer,
Come and listen to me.
Service over.