Alison Hammond of shot to fame on Big Brother in 2002 presents a brand new documentary 'Back to School'.
Alison has been with ITV for 19 years. The opportunity to host her own documetary was at her own suggestion to the ITV Directors. Alison wanted to trace, understand and share the historical documentary about 'black british' living in the UK.
Alison travelled the length and breadth of Britain to key historical sites - from Hadrian’s Wallto Hampton Court - looking at the history we’re all taught in schools, but from a different angle. The programme starts with Alison returning back to her own school in Dagenham. Programme 1
Alison Hammond is fast becoming a household name in her own right. From Friday 23rd October 2020 Alison alongside Dermot O’Leary host the Friday 'This Morning' show. Its such a joy to see Alison on TV she is vibrant asset to TV.
In addition to the above Alison Hammond is in line to host the Wheel of Fortune. Alison would be a part of bringing the show back to life after 19 years of being off aire.
There are always those that disagree So I won't mention the lady's name. However, we wish you well with your TV career.