As part of Huddersfield's Windrush Programme for 2022, on Wednesday 22nd June Education 2000 will be exhibiting a Windrush Exhibition at St. John's Centre, St John's Road,Birkby.
Expect delicious food, sweet music and a trip down memory lane, ALL FREE!!!!
Join us between 1pm - 5pm.
Following this, login to the first of a series of online Zoom Workshops facilitated by Linford Sweeney, based around heritage, beliefs, customs/culture, from 7pm until 9pm.
WINDRUSH TO TODAY - will show the Impact and cultural changes since the arrival of these pioneers..
For free online workshops, follow the Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 847 9385 6156
Passcode: 485492
Contact Natalie Pinnock-Hamilton for more details