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Updated government guidance said the decision was taken as part of the roadmap out of lockdown.

It means that the key workers who use the scheme will have to pay for parking or face being fined after June 21.

The new guidance says: “Local councils are responsible for setting their own local policy on parking.

“Therefore, current or potential pass holders are advised to contact their local council to find out about any local plans for the future of the parking pass, or to check whether they are eligible for other local parking permits.”

The passes, provided through NHS trusts, councils, and the Royal Voluntary Service, allow staff to park in off-street car parks and on-street bays without having to pay.

NHS Providers deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery said the decision was a “disappointment”.

She told the HSJ: “We would urge the MHCLG to keep its policy under review in case the government’s roadmap needs to change in light of new data.

“More broadly, we know NHS staff have welcomed free car parking on-site during the pandemic and many will want this to continue after the pandemic has ended.

"Trusts should be able to choose to provide free car parking to their staff if they have the available capacity and infrastructure.

Report by James Swinton Jones for RCE News

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