One may look different and have a different way about them... But above all... 'One must feel comfortable in their own skin'...
Having read the shared content shared with me by a community member, I thank you for sharing .
People's development indexes are based on six fundamental principles, namely
Their theories
Their culture
Their ideology
Their paradigm
Their concepts
Their history.
This is what ensures that even after ten thousand years,
Chinese remains Chinese,
The Indian remains Indian,
Arabs remains Arabic,
Westerners stay Western...
They are,
by their culture
by their spirituality
by their languages
by their tradition
By their story
By their theories
By their belief
By their concepts...
and above all by their affiliation to their ancestors to whom they attach and celebrate.
As for us Africans, in just 500 years, we have become Arabs, Westerners, Chinese, Indians... We want to live in everyone's shoes. Except in our own skin.
Our culture is lost
Our traditions are disappearing,
Our ancestors are denied and forgotten
Our languages are dying
Our history is falsified
Our religion is demonized
We are losing our roots
We have lost our identity.
This poverty of spirit contributes to making us financially poor.
We are lost:
Physically lost
Psychologically lost
Intellectually lost
Culturally misplaced
Economically lost...
Our leaders are astray,
Our "intellectuals" are lost,
Our parents are aloof,
Teachers are astray
The youths are looking for their identity.
Africa needs a saviour, a hero.
This HERO is YOU. "
This text can be printed and pasted in the African children's room. They must understand that they have a responsibility. They have a mission on this earth...to ask questions from their elders, to read books about their cultural heritage and traditions, to practice and stay connected to their ancestors among other practical approaches to self awareness which will lead to a genuine emancipation of the mind.