Natel''popped into my email box. I have many tastes in Music from the Reading Rock festival to the Reading Carnival.
This does not include the music between great artists some still here some have passed... Great Lady singer Jazz singer. What's her name ?? Smt, Amy Whitehouse (Yes, I googled), Marvin Gaye, Desmond Dekker oh and Gregory Issac and of course, Bob Marley the great !!.
This morning I thought let me check out what's happening with Natel. What was the attraction? I'm not an entertainer of 'junk mail' so if you're in my inbox you are there for a reason.
I'm listening to the music on Natel's website and I'm loving 'I'd rather be with you' by Feat Liam Summers. What does 'Feat' mean. And who is Liam Summers? Did I mention I love this tune !! Easy but clear message...
Ok, I've listened to I believe, etc for about 5 times so I thought let's hear from the host of the website Natal... Ohh wey 'Telephone Line'. Ladies and Gentleman! It's a beautiful tune !! The gentle instrumental, Natel's musical gift to sing... Each voice and instruments complement each other. What a beautiful couple of tunes to start my Monday morning with.
Time for me to go to work, one last tune for now !!
Ringtone - Natel x The Carey James
WHO IS NATAL ? Natel the Jamaican singer, songwriter, producer & CEO of Natel Music Records
I'm showing my era now. I know a good tune, I may like any artist from any musical field. But I'm not an avid follower knowing the names, where they form etc., I will leave it up to my readers. But and a big but, if you enjoy a varied musical knowledge.
Let's face it good music is 'good music'. And if you have a spiritual ear. Then share the music you like. I'm seeking Artists and Article writers for the RCE website.
Can you send a clear, positive, and transparent message for RCE Readers.
Then I'd love to hear from you. Why? Music is life! And why not!
Share your knowledge of music under the 'The Arts' section of the newspaper.
The spiritual message is the key
Send your mini Bio to today help me nuh!