Memorial for
Jimmie Griffith on
Friday 22nd July 2022 From 7pm onwards @
The Atrium (IBIS),
Scours Lane, Reading
RG30 6AY.
As a celebration of Jimmie’s life and to give thanks and praise, we would like to hold a memorial event for the sudden death of our dear friend Jimmie🙏🏽♥️💛💚
Although Jimmie was living in Barbados at the time of his sudden unexpected passing, Jimmy had lived in Reading for most of his life and has left behind his close family, close friends and associates here & a far.
In order to pay for the venue we are asking for a contribution (you decide the amount) which we will collect on the day.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support.
This is solely for the overheads and not a profit making event.
Kindest Regards
Sonia Palmer & Lorraine Small.