Virtual Fun @ Reading Museum!
This February half term, there are a wide range of activities on the Reading Museum website for families to make, do, and enjoy at home.
Oh Beautiful World! is a beautiful new artwork made by artist Eleanor Lakelin and commissioned by Reading Museum.
The sculpture commemorates and memorialises the legacy of Oscar Wilde, who was imprisoned in Reading Gaol from 1895 to 1897.
While the Museum is closed, they are bringing this beautiful sculpture to you at home!
Artists both young and old will enjoy making a miniature 3D version of Eleanor’s sculpture and collaging a 2D version. Order your craft pack today from our online shop!
From Monday, visit our brand-new online exhibition Oh Beautiful World!, which will feature a 3D version of the sculpture that you can view using Sketch Fab at home.
Roman Activities
Did you know that there’s remarkable Roman history right here in Reading, such as the astonishing Roman ruins at the nearby town of Silchester ?
This half term, join the Reading Museum in celebrating Reading’s Roman heritage through arts, crafts, blogs, and more.
With our online Roman Activity Chariot (available from Monday) explore Roman history through downloadable resources, including papercraft, writing your name in Latin, how to cook a Roman feast, building your own biscuit amphitheatre, and much more.
With our Roman Mosaic Craft Pack, choose from three mosaic templates and create your own beautiful artwork at home, using sticky-backed squares – the perfect lockdown activity!
Buy yours today on the Reading Museum online gift shop (£2.50 per pack).
Next Wednesday, Reading Museum will be sharing a brand-new blog, inviting you to step back in time all those thousands of years to meet a Roman family from Calleva, the Roman town at Silchester. And be sure to check out our other Roman themed blogs, including: a day in the life of an archaeologist; Silchester mosaics; our online Silchester exhibition; and more.
Don't miss more downloadable Roman activities on our resources page and our Festival of Archaeology page!
Dragon Challenge Craft Pack
Need a challenge during lockdown? Follow our adventure map to complete our Dragon Challenge and decorate our fangtastic dragon mask at home!
The Reading Museum gift shop
If you're looking for treats, books and gifts celebrating local history, then there's no better place than the Reading Museum gift shop!
Even though the Museum is closed, our gift shop is keeping open online. Take a look!